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...a simple Chinese proverb that is the essence of Individualopolis™

JMc came into the world drawing and reimagining most everything he came in contact with. He found paper, pencil, crayons, markers and sketched. He made rockets from cardboard tubes and robots from wood slats and old cans. He used his art, creativity and originality throughout his education...somehow it even got him through boring calculus classes. His creative habits and innovative "bent" took him on a number of detours during his education and his projects, even the scientific ones, exhibited a unique attitude towards the unusual. He was enrolled in private art school at a young age, where he was exposed to different mediums along with a number of disciplines. It was in private classes that he became more intrigued by figurative subject matter...those still lifes still haunt him. He entered the vocational environment in design, marketing, commercial art, architectural design and planning, continually expanding his own unorthodox approach to his personal corporate remain a creative individual despite the reality of the market-driven environment and to prove that creativity has a most important role to play in the profit-based marketplace. He finalized his university work with a Bachelors-Industrial Design and Technology, then continued his quest to move corporate empires forward, through art and savvy politics, as survive. His leading edge innovations were utilized to drive profits and broaden market share on a global platform. He achieved a reputation for brand image devevelopment and transformation, while driving home the message that art and creativity remain integral, if not vital, to corporate relevance. After a successful run at utilizing his skill set in the corporate arena he focused more energy on McFuture®, the creative brand transformation company that he had formed at the beginning of his corporate adventure. He has created a substantial folio of logos, trademarks, design and environmental work through McFuture® and continues to do so. At one point, for some unknown reason, he decided that he would like to bring his experience in marketing and the business world, into a municipal setting and so he joined a sizable community as head of economic development and marketing. He proceeded to accomplish some wonderful growth for the community, along with fashioning a thorough makeover of the community's somewhat tarnished image. At a certain point he could take no more...of the city management's strange and somewhat unethical behavior and so he left the  perplexing, strange setting. He continued McFuture® projects and moved back into fine art. His style is always evolving and his subject matter is continuously blended between his commercial endeavors, his obsession with music and his reverence for trying to save the planet..."solve it before it solves us".


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